Discover and celebrate Canadian First Nations art, traditions and culture with this low mintage 2023 $20 fine silver coin which tells the Creation Story of the Mi’kmaq people. The Mi’kmaq Creation Story expresses the Mi’kmaw worldview and emphasizes the connectedness between all of Creation. Mintage is limited to just 5,500 coins. HST/GST Exempt.
To the Mi’kmaq people, whose homeland (Mi’kma’ki) encompasses much of present-day Atlantic Canada, the Creation Story involves seven levels of creation. The first three levels of Creation are combined in the centre portion: the first level is Kisu’lk, the Giver of Life (above), represented here by the stars of the universe; the second level, represented by the Mi’kmaq eight-pointed star, is Niskam, Grandfather Sun, who puts spirit into life (within); and the third level is Wsitkamu, Mother Earth (under), sustaining life (water, rocks, plants and a moose).
The Design:
In the east and to the right of the centre portion, the fourth level shows Kluskap, the first human being, created from a lightning bolt and visited by the eagle Kitpu, messenger to the Giver of life, and when he leaves a feather falls, which Kluskap catches before it touches the ground. Symbolic sacredness of the eagle feather.
Moving in a clockwise direction, the fifth level (south) is Nukami, the Grandmother who owes her existence to a rock, she is wise and knowledgeable and brings teachings how to survive, she is with a marten that represents the first meal of meat cooked on the first fire.
The sixth level (west) shows Netawansum, the Nephew, representing the youth, who owes his existence from elements of the sea, and he holds with a braid of sweetgrass; their second meal of fish.
Finally, the seventh level (north) is Nekanakanim-Koosiskw, the Mother; she owes her existence to a leaf of a tree, she brings love, understanding and all the colours of the world, while the wigwam represents home. She will teach all her children to share and care for each other. The third meal is made of plants and berries to honour her arrival.
The obverse features the posthumous transitional effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt, including the double dates of reign 1952-2022.
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