For those of us that love ghost stories, this double image lenticular large format (35 mm) 25 cent coin will send shivers down your back as it tells a tale of Haunted Canada. The story and imagery take us to Bell Island, where a female figure dressed in white can be seen hovering over a young man. Using lenticular technology, a haunting effect can be seen when the coin is tilted: the ghost’s youthful appearance changes to a terrifying look. Mintage is limited to 20,000.
The Design:
The coin design uses lenticular technology to masterful effect, recreating an eerie encounter on a dark night. The glow of a hand-held lantern provides the only light for one anxious young man, who is making his way through the marshes near Dobbin’s Gardens. The first image finds the young man nervously looking over his shoulder, as behind him, an ethereal female figure dressed in white appears to hover over him. Tilting the coin to the other side reveals a frightening transformation: the ghost’s youthful appearance has suddenly aged while the facial features and hands are twisted in a terrifying manner! The young man’s expression is one of sheer terror as both he and the ghost look out from the coin and directly at the viewer. The word “Canada” is engraved along the outer ring, together with the denomination “25 Cents” and the Year “2016”.
The Haunting of Bell Island:
Bell Island is an island located off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador in Conception Bay, and it is a place where a haunting story is told of The Hag with Two Faces. She comes in two forms: a beautiful woman in white, and a deformed old hag. Most encounters circle around the latter. Men have been known to walk through the small marshes, only to come out days later, not knowing where they are, or where they have been. They can only remember a putrid smell, and a grotesque old woman in ragged clothes crawling towards them from the bushes, forcing them to the ground with the smell of death.
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