his beautiful and popular 2013 25 cent coin is the second in the series and features a wood duck pair in colour. Mintage is limited to just 17,500 coins.
The Design:
The male with his bright red eyes, sits on a tree branch while a female with her white rimmed eye markings, indigo bill and chestnut brown breast sits behind him. The coin is also engraved with the word “CANADA,” the date “2013” and the face value of “25 CENTS.”
The Wood Duck:
The wood duck's Latin name, Aix sponsa, means "bird in wedding raiment." This stunning and colourful duck is well suited to its flattering Latin nomenclature: in fact, some bird experts consider it the wood duck the most beautiful waterfowl in North America. Found throughout southern Canada in the warm summer months, this unique midsized bird is one of only a few North American duck species to nest in tree cavities.